Our hydrogen Toyota Mirai rentals offer uncommon conveniences, long ranges, no air pollution, and no need to refuel before drop off. We refuel for you at just $1.99/gallon equivalent (see Gallon Equivalent below for more details).
Rentals available starting in early 2025 on Turo.
Gallon Equivalent
Hydrogen is typically measured by weight in kilograms (kg) and not by volumes such as gallons. One kg of hydrogen contains the same amount of energy as one gallon of gasoline. Hydrogen cars make much more efficient use of energy and are able to travel much further on the same unit of energy than a gasoline vehicle.
The 2021 Toyota Mirai holds 5.65 kg of hydrogen and has a range of 402 miles, giving it 71 MPGe, meaning it goes 71 miles using the amount of energy contained in one gallon of gasoline (this is what the “e” at the end of MPGe indicates, the “equivalent” amount of energy contained in one gallon of gasoline). The “$1.99/gallon equivalent” rate is based on the 26 MPG rate of a 2021 Toyota Camry. To travel 402 miles with the Camry, you will need 15.46 gallons of gasoline. At a cost of $1.99/gallon that 15.46 gallons will cost you $30.77. Translating this to the cost per kg for the same amount of energy contained in the Mirai tank, it is $5.45/kg.
All of this means that if you use a full tank of hydrogen during your rental, you will be charged $30.77. Now, the Mirai does get 2.73 times better fuel efficiency than the Camry, we leverage this efficiency to help offset the production costs of hydrogen while you still get fuel rates much lower than what you would pay at the pump.